Medical & Surgical Weight Loss Center

At the South Bend Clin­ic Med­ical and Sur­gi­cal Weight Loss Cen­ter, we adopt a col­lab­o­ra­tive team approach to pre­pare you for surgery. Instead of one doc­tor, you’ll have a team of experts and spe­cial­ists ded­i­cat­ed to deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al care.

Dur­ing your time in our sur­gi­cal pro­gram, you’ll nav­i­gate sig­nif­i­cant changes, which can some­times feel over­whelm­ing. We want you to feel sup­port­ed through­out your weight loss jour­ney. Our team is com­mit­ted to guid­ing and assist­ing you at every step, ensur­ing you receive com­pre­hen­sive care and assistance.

As you strive to build a healthy, hap­py life, we want to be your trust­ed partner. 

SBC is proud to offer you med­ical and sur­gi­cal options for weight loss reduc­tion. Our weight loss pro­grams focus on well­ness and healthy liv­ing and are over­seen by our board-cer­ti­fied provider and dieti­cian who will help you lose weight safe­ly and effectively.

Sur­gi­cal Weight Loss Program

Med­ical (non-sur­gi­cal) Weight Loss Program

Our expert team is stand­ing by to coach and guide you along the jour­ney to bet­ter health and a new out­look on life. Many have come before you and are liv­ing bet­ter lives thanks to their ded­i­ca­tion and will­ing­ness to be led by our experts.

Ready to Transform? 

Check out our web store now and uncov­er a world of prod­ucts designed to ben­e­fit you on your weight loss jour­ney. Your path to a health­i­er you begins here.

Web Store

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